Monday, February 10, 2014

First Field Trip!

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to announce our first field trip will be to...


I know many of you have been there before, but this time we will get a personal tour of the aquarium and get to see some of the behind-the-scenes looks at the animals, such as feedings!

I will be passing out permission slips tomorrow and they will be due next Friday the 24th. It will only be $10 a student and we will be providing lunches as well!

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Mrs. Latta

Intro to Some New Technology!

Good evening!

I hope everyone has had a good weekend! I just wanted to tell you guys about a new tool we will be using in the classroom.

It's called Class Dojo and it allows everyone to earn points for doing well in class. Each student will get a point for doing things like being nice to classmates, sharing, and behaving during story time. Later I will decide how each little one will be rewarded at the end of the week!

Also, a fun part of Dojo is each child will have their own monster character that will represent them on the board! You can see an example here:

It makes the classroom a little more fun and I hope you all like it!

Welcome to My Class!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my class! 

I hope everyone had an awesome summer! I know everything can be very confusing, especially since kindergarten is so important, but I thought I would take some time to introduce myself.

My name is Mrs. Savanna Latta. I am from a tiny town called Kings Mountain, NC.

This is where I am from, the green star!

We are famous for our battleground! 
I have been married for two years now and have a one year old named William.

This is him a few months ago! He's gotten so big since then!
I graduated from UNC-W with a degree in Elementary Education and a concentration in English as a Second Language. I have lived in the Wilmington area for not even a year yet, but I already love it! My favorite things to do are read, cook, and watch lots of sports with my husband.

I cannot wait to get to know you and I think you will be having lots of fun this year!

Mrs. Latta